Document vs SQL Database
Here is my amateur opinion on choosing between a document database like CouchDB or MongoDB vs a sequel database like PostgreSQL or MariaDB
Which one should I choose?
Is your data simple and the schema needs to be flexible? Choose a Document DB
Does your data have multiple relationships that link it together? Choose a SQL DB
- PRO: for data that you want to relate many times over in many different ways.
- CON: updating schemas can be a delicate process
- PRO: very quick to write and easy to understand. Also updating schema is a breeze
- CON: becomes very verbos when wanting to link different parts together.
I'd say use document db if
- A: you're a beginner,
- B: the data is very simple and user specific,
- C: prototyping a frontend app and want to save time
Use an SQL if
- A: your data will have a multiple relationships,
- B: You have strong confidence of the data's schema going in.
I'm lost
If you've gotten this far and still don't know what I'm talking about, then just choose a Document DB. A lot of my beginner projects was built with CouchDB. It's easy to understand and fast to set up and update.
Like most people, I created a note taking app. This was perfect for a Document DB.
flowchart TB %% Hardware noteIds("notesId []") userId("userId") subgraph Your DB subgraph "User 👨🦲" id name email password noteIds end subgraph "Note 📝" id title list userId <--> noteIds end end
You can see I 'link' the data points of User
and Note
with a noteIds
and userId
I use 'link' in quotes because when I query the User data, I'm only receiving an array of note ids
, then I have to make another query to the notes and find the related ids. As your db grows sooner or later you'll hit this wall of creating these manual links between data.