
Raspberry Pi 4b 4gb

A great start for anyone who wants to start running digital services


       _,met$$$gg.          pi4@rpi
    ,g$$$$$$$$P.       -------
  ,g$P"     """Y$.".        OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) aarch64
 ,$P'              `$$.     Host: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5
',$P       ,ggs.     `$b:   Kernel: 6.1.21-v8+
`d$'     ,$P"'   .    $$    Uptime: 2 mins
 $P      d

Surprised that it isn't **Raspberry Pi OS**? Instead I run the Debian 64 bit version as recommended by Home Assistant **Supervised** install. I'm a little bummed I don't get the cool Raspberry ascii art from `neofetch`, but honestly, the developer experience is pretty much identical 

## system wide backup


#TODO clean out or ignore other folders and files before the copy

FILE_NAME="pi4--$(date +%y_%B_%d).img"

echo " creating system wide backup "

#backup img of SD card
if sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/mmcblk1p2 of=$DEST/$FILE_NAME\
&& sudo zip -jm "$DEST/$FILE_NAME.zip" $DEST/$FILE_NAME\
; then
        sudo echo $FILE_NAME > $LOG
        sudo echo "SUCCESS" >> $LOG
        sudo echo $FILE_NAME > $LOG
        sudo echo "FAILURE" >> $LOG

Programs & Apps

  1. Pi-hole
  2. PiVPN
  3. Home Assistant
  4. DuckDNS
  5. Hyperion

Homelab Hardware PC Builds , $P Packages: 1265 (dpkg)
$: .,d' Shell: bash 5.2.15
;Yb._ ,dPTerminal:/dev/pts/0Y. ."Y$$P"' CPU: BCM2835 (4) @ 1.800GHz
$b "-.__ Memory: 202MiB / 1849MiB YY.
$b. Yb."Yb.


Surprised that it isn't **Raspberry Pi OS**? Instead I run the Debian 64 bit version as recommended by Home Assistant **Supervised** install. I'm a little bummed I don't get the cool Raspberry ascii art from `neofetch`, but honestly, the developer experience is pretty much identical 

## system wide backup


## Programs & Apps
1. Pi-hole
2. PiVPN
3. Home Assistant
4. DuckDNS
5. Hyperion

Homelab Hardware PC Builds