
Regex not returning true on second

Here lies all the regular expressions that I found useful

regex101: build, test, and debug regex

get anything to the right of --


get anything to the left of --


get anything between [ ]


finds string between ]( & ) → used to find string between ]( & ) i.e. [link](


replace any special characters that OS's don't like

STRING.replace(/[&#\@\!, +()$~%'":*?<>{}]/g, '_')

Only alphabet characters are allowed for this field. NO spaces


phone number validation


Standard Password

^                         Start anchor
(?=.*[A-Z].*[A-Z])        Ensure string has two uppercase letters.
(?=.*[!@#{{CODE_BLOCK_8}}*])            Ensure string has one special case letter.
(?=.*[0-9].*[0-9])        Ensure string has two digits.
(?=.*[a-z].*[a-z].*[a-z]) Ensure string has three lowercase letters.
.{8}                      Ensure string is of length 8.
$                         End anchor.

Find a every line that starts with (with wildcard). Useful with iTunes XML Playlist to m3u Converter

# don't forget to excape any slashes \/

# select any line that starts with "#EXTINF:" could have any number after colon, and ends with comma.
# examples that are removed: "#EXTINF:177,", "#EXTINF:246,", "#EXTINF:192,"

get file name extension

let file = url.match(/?<=\.)[^.\\/:*?"<>|\r\n]+$/)

remove file extension from path

filePath.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, '')
Find and Replace string between and but starts with [[http
const regex = \[\[(http.*?)\]\]
// replace string
// `---

> [!tip] Regex not returning true on second 

Here lies all the regular expressions that I found useful

[regex101: build, test, and debug regex](

get anything to the right of `--`

get anything to the left of --


get anything between [ ]


finds string between ]( & ) → used to find string between ]( & ) i.e. [link](


replace any special characters that OS's don't like

STRING.replace(/[&#\@\!, +()$~%'":*?<>{}]/g, '_')

Only alphabet characters are allowed for this field. NO spaces


phone number validation


Standard Password

^                         Start anchor
(?=.*[A-Z].*[A-Z])        Ensure string has two uppercase letters.
(?=.*[!@#{{CODE_BLOCK_8}}*])            Ensure string has one special case letter.
(?=.*[0-9].*[0-9])        Ensure string has two digits.
(?=.*[a-z].*[a-z].*[a-z]) Ensure string has three lowercase letters.
.{8}                      Ensure string is of length 8.
$                         End anchor.

Find a every line that starts with (with wildcard). Useful with iTunes XML Playlist to m3u Converter

# don't forget to excape any slashes \/

# select any line that starts with "#EXTINF:" could have any number after colon, and ends with comma.
# examples that are removed: "#EXTINF:177,", "#EXTINF:246,", "#EXTINF:192,"

get file name extension

let file = url.match(/?<=\.)[^.\\/:*?"<>|\r\n]+$/)

remove file extension from path

filePath.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, '')
Find and Replace string between and but starts with [[http
means the output variable

find replace string between `[`and `](`
const regex = \[(.*)\]\((.*)\)

replace string -->  $1 

HTML Input Pattern Attribute

An <input> element with type="email" that must be in the following order: characters@characters.domain (characters followed by an @ sign, followed by more characters, and then a "."

After the "." sign, add at least 2 letters from a to z:

<form action="/action_page.php">  
  <label for="email">Email:</label>  
  <input type="email" id="email" name="email"  
  <input type="submit">  
