Playstation 3 emulator
Manage / transfer save data
[link](https://rpcs3.net/quickstart# Manage Save Data](https://rpcs3.net/quickstart#manage_saves)
For Windows users, save data files can be managed in
For Linux users, save data files can be managed in
For macOS users, save data files can be managed in
~/Library/Application Support/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/home/00000001/savedata/
For FreeBSD users, save data files can be managed in
Title Dead Nation: getting to 30fps
I'll only note down settings that were changed. default ones omitted from this list as u don't need to change them
- PPU Decoder: Recompiler LLVM
- SPU Decoder: Recomipler (LLVM)
- SPU XFloat: Approx.
- SPU BLock: Safe
- Preferred SPU: Auto
- Renderer: Vulkan
- Zcull: Relaxed
- Shader Quality: low
- Default Resolution: 720x480 (may try 1280x720)