
a much easier way to publish Obsidian Vaults (although Quartz-w_Boswell has some percs, this was much faster to publish and, out of the box, it looks nicer)


  1. start a git repo for your Obsidian Vault.
    1. Use .gitignore to prevent folders / files from being added to your public garden
  2. create a netlify.toml inside root of your vault. Copy past from netlify.example.toml
    1. ppeetteerrs/obsidian-zola: A no-brainer solution to turning your Obsidian PKM into a Zola site. (github.com)
    2. fork the repo and change top command = endpoint (if you'd like to change anything in the design)
  3. create netlify site that links with git repo of your Obsidian Vault
  4. push Obsidian Vault to git and watch it auto build